Social Share Buttons and Popup
Encourage Customers To Share Your Products

Social Share & Discount Popup
Give Offers and Discounts to Customers for Sharing your Products on Social media. Increase social traffic from your Social Agents.

Share Icons On Product Page
You can add Share icons on the product page or below add to cart button. It increases sharing and more traffic on your store.

Sticky Social Icons On Store
It allows you to add awesome sticky share icons on your store pages. It will connect users with your social profiles.
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Some Exclusive Features Of Our Application
Social Share And Discount Pop-up
Your customers will receive a discount immediately after they share the product.
Share Icons On Product Detail Page
You can add “add to cart” button just below product images to remind customers to share and get the discount code.
Sticky Social Icons On Store
It allows you to add awesome sticky share icons on your store sidebar to boost traffic, likes, and shares on social profiles.
Drive More Traffic
Boost social traffic by providing a discount to each customer on product or store sharing and reduce cart abandonment.

Simplest & Powerful Social Sharing App On Shopify

Boost Your Business Sales
You can increase more conversion by providing discount coupons on the cart and on any limited purchase of the products.
Instant Offers To Customers
Get Social Shares from Customers by providing them instant offers on product and cart.
Abandoned Cart
Prevent abandon cart by providing different enticing offers and discounts on cart page by social share.
Share Cart On Social Media
Share the cart on Facebook/Twitter or other social accounts and get offers and other discounts instantly.
Exclusive Reporting Module
Exclusive reporting module is also added in the app now to track the number of clicks on FB, Twitter and Pinterest buttons.
Works On All Pages
Social Marketing works on all pages including the cart page and the product page.