Pricing of Recurring Memberships Payments

Question: Pricing of Recurring Memberships Payments


    Recurring Memberships Payments app charges based on the number of members you have in the store. When the member limit is reached you need to upgrade the plan, our app automatically prompts for a plan upgrade.

    Please check the latest pricing of our Recurring Memberships Payments.


    Plan Name Pricing  Members
    STARTER $9/month Up to 50 Members
    ADVANCE $49/month Up to 500 Members
    PREMIUM $149/month Up to 1000 Members
    ENTERPRISE $449/month Up to 10,000 Members
    CUSTOM $779/month Unlimited Members



    • All charges are billed in USD. Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges, are billed every 30 days.
    • Every unique email that will subscribe to the plan including a free or paid plan and become a member will be counted for the membership app.
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